PEEP is an acronym that stands for Produce, Engage, Execute, Promote.
These paid positions will provide a hands-on opportunity for students to learn all aspects of working for an Arts & Culture organization. Student employees will have an opportunity to be involved in every area of the building throughout their UW-Green Bay student career. At this time, we are looking for additional help during events at the Weidner Center, usually on nights and weekends. These activities include:

What do PEEPs do?
Click the down arrows to expand the list of PEEPs responsibilities
Assisting in preparing and dismantling Weidner Center spaces for events, concerts, and receptions.
- Livestreaming
- Working with sound/lights
- Working with the ticket scanners as patrons arrive for events
- Acting as an usher in the lobby or in the house
- Working in coat check
- Shadowing/assisting a floor manager
- Assisting with security
- Working with merchandise in various type of show
- Managing water cart
- Working with designing posters
- Webpage designing
- Working with salesforce to keep track of events and the patrons
- Social media marketing
- Office administrative assistant
- Call respondent
Hear from previous peeps
Why should join the PEEP team?
What PEEPs are most proud of?
PEEP Advice
All about PEEPS

What Are The Perks of being a PEEP?
- On-campus job
- Flexible hours
- Learn new skills
- Meet new friends
- Gain professional experience
- See shows that you work for free!
What are the hours like?
Most shifts are during nights and weekends. PEEPs are able to sign up for hours that fit their schedules.
How much will I earn?
PEEPs get paid $12/hour.
Are there any requirements?
We only require that you are a current UWGB student. All majors and school years are welcome!
Have more questions?
Contact Sam Stranz by emailing stranzs@uwgb.edu.